Roundtable: Driving MSSP Efficiency and Revenue

Logpoint is pleased to invite you to join us at our first MSSP roundtable, focused on discussing how organisations such as yourselves can drive managed service opportunities and revenue and provide accurate, consistent and effective threat response for your customers. Thuesday 14th November at Stallmästaregården: 15:00pm – 19:30pm.



Business update on Logpoint
We will provide a business update on Logpoint and the cybersecurity market with Summa Equity 

Technical Update and vision of Logpoint
Listen how our product technology and roadmap are shaping the MSSP landscape

Introduction of Value Realisation Programme
Hear about our brand new free Value Realisation Programme designed specifically for MSSP partners to help maximise your investment in Logpoint

MSSP Introduction and building service revenue with Logpoint
How can you create business growth for the MSSP? We discuss how you can take our security analytics platform and leverage it to create new valuable services that will generate new revenue streams from your clients


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    • 14th November

    • From 15:00 – 19:30

    • Stallmästaregården
      Norrtull, 113 47 Stockholm