LogPoint as a product has many ways of visualising data that is great for the security analyst. This data is useful on the workstations and during investigations.When it comes to viewing some data from many different dashboards on one big screen in your operations center, using LogPoint dashboards becomes a little cumbersome.
Since at least version 5.0 we have supported using iframes to push widgets to external views.
We have had a couple of requests from customers to build something, quick and dirty – and I’d like to show you all an example of what can be done.
Introducing the: Do It Yourself BigScreen LogPoint Integration Platform (DIYBSLPIP):
Even just looking at the name (DIYBSLPIP) it is obvious that I am working with products, marketing and engineering…
What you see here is a basic HTML with simple JS that pulls the Widgets from our demo-system and places them in iframes in this page. The text, logos, positions etc can be adjusted easily in the HTML itself.
Adding or removing widgets is very easy as well :)
*Note* The public URLS by definition does not support drill-downs, this is for “view only”.
The bottom two rows “scroll” from right to left, with 5 differetn widgets each. While the top row is static and shows more “relevant” information. If everything must “scroll” that can be done too.
The size of the widgets can be controlled.
The HTML is tuned for 1080p resolutions and has a fluid nature on a modern Chrome browser.
You find our DIYBSLPIP in the attachment at the bottom of this blog post, feel free to play with it :)
*Note* Remember to edit the html to include your own public URLS, which you do like this:
Open the widget configuration on the dashboard page